Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Pre-medication for Dental Procedures

Recommendations from:The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons & The American Dental Association

"More then 1,000,000 total joint arthorplasties are performed annually in the United States of which 7 percent (70,000 patients) will have deep infections of total joint replacements usually resulting in failure of the initial operation and the need for extensive revision, treatment and cost (major surgical re-do)." - 2011 American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons - Information Statement.
Because of this the AAOS & the ADA recommend pre-medication for any dental procedure that may result in bleeding (cleanings, gum therapy, some fillings and crown work). Bleeding gums is an opportunity for the bacteria that live daily in our mouths to jump into the blood stream (bacteremia) and then find their way to an implanted joint and grow. It is also a concern on a daily basis at home and a very good reason to keep your gums healthy so there is NO bleeding when you brush and floss. Bleeding is a sign that you have some level of infection in your mouth and needs to be taken seriously.

The recommendations have changed over the years. For some patients this is going back to the old system, for some this is all new. We will keep you informed if the science behind these decisions is updated again. The current (2011) recommendation for patients with orthopedic implants in joint spaces is to premedicate 1 hour prior to the dental visit with antibiotics to reduce the chance of a bacteremia. Dr. Greene or your orthopedic surgeon will prescribe a specific antibiotic for you. This does NOT apply to fixed rods and pins, unless your orthopedic surgeon has a specific concern. This does NOT affect dental tooth implants.

Call to schedule your next preventive care hygiene visit now.
Scarsdale Dental Spa

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